Version 0.83x : online features !

Houuu yes :)

In the last version of Arkeos Chronicle my 2D rpg, I have added a lots of features for the onlilne mode :

- Tchat (general, friends)

- Friends : add a player in your list, remove a friends form your list, see the friends online.

- Other players : see them in your map, and interact with them.

- Fight : only melee for the moment (magic spell will be added soon). Fight with your friends the monsters  (and boss) !

- Trade (market) : sale your ressources/objects, buy ressource or objects from other players.

- Message box : you can get and read message (from "admin" only for the moment).

I will added more online features in the next versions : 

- Clan : create a clan and improve it with xp. 

- Group : create a group with your friends to fight more easily.

- Dungeons....

The new version will be published soon on googleplay ;).

Cheers !! 

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